1. Lasun rus :- Heart health by preventing cell damage, regulating cholesterol and lowering blood pressure.
2. Nimbus rus :- used to treat aches and pains.
3. Kaddu rus :- The high magnesium content in pumpkin seeds helps lower your blood pressure and keep it steady. Thanks to this effect, diets high in magnesium are linked to a lower risk of stroke and death from heart disease.
4. Adrak rus :- that ginger consumption significantly reduced triglycerides and LDL cholesterol, while increasing HDL cholesterol.
5. Apple vinegar :- Quality apple cider vinegar also contains a small amount of potassium, amino acids and antioxidants that contribute to the body's physical health. It can lower cholesterol and improve heart health.
6. Arjun chal :- It enhances cardiac function and reduces arterial blood pressure by as much as 25 percent.
7. Dal chini :- The cholesterol level of the body is automatically lowered. This, in turn, reduces the risk of heart blockages, which further brings down the possibility of heart diseases. Also, the arteries are protected from atherosclerosis.
8. Ajvayn :- That thymol in ajwain might act to keep calcium from entering the blood vessels in your heart, helping to lower blood pressure.
9. Alsi :- Some studies suggest that alpha-linolenic acid, which is found in flaxseed and flaxseed oil, might benefit people with heart disease. Early research also suggests that flaxseed might help lower high blood pressure, which plays a role in heart disease Cholesterol levels.